What we know about cultural learning: our core principles

The Principles of Cultural Learning

  1. Every child and young person should have equality of access to a baseline of quality cultural learning opportunities.
  2. Cultural learning happens inside and outside of schools and colleges, and in a wide range of settings.
  3. Families, parents and carers are important providers of cultural learning.
  4. Young people shape the cultural landscape and are the arts professionals of the future. They should be empowered and supported to engage with, lead and drive the cultural learning agenda.
  5. Cultural learning involves diverse practice and encompasses the arts, heritage and knowledge valued by all individuals, cultures and communities.
  6. Arts subjects taught in schools and other settings as part of the curriculum have depth, rigour and an established canon of knowledge. They are of equal weight, status, value and importance within the curriculum as other subjects, and require equal resource and provision.
  7. Partnership, collaboration, a shared commitment and a collegiate approach from those who use cultural learning in their work with young people are key to its successful delivery.
  8. Cultural learning enriches our national life and intrinsically makes a contribution to our society. It is critical to the development of our economy. Through cultural learning young people gain the skills to become creative and cultural professionals and to contribute effectively to the wider workforce.
  9. Cultural learning inspires civic engagement and helps neighbourhoods to make positive changes through collective ownership of culture. This leads to personal, social and community benefit and a shared sense of place.
  10. Cultural learning has clearly evidenced educational and social outcomes. Young people who have the opportunity to learn through and about culture are better equipped to achieve across the curriculum, and to take responsibility for their own learning. Attendance, attitude and wellbeing are all improved by engagement with culture. Cultural learning practice should be informed by rigorous research and evaluation into impact and outcome.