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In addition to The Arts in Schools, CLA is home to a number of important reports on arts education and cultural learning, in schools and beyond, spanning history, policy, evidence and recommendations. We also bring you links to key reports from other organisations which are relevant for arts education or cultural learning case-making.

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Key reports

New research from the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, has found that learning about Shakespeare’s work can have a positive impact on children’s language development and social emotional skills.

The findings, based on a randomised controlled trial using RSC’s approach to teaching Shakespeare as an intervention. This was complemented by a teacher-led action research programme by experienced RSC practitioners.

The Bridge Network (2012-2023)

Written by Dr David Parker and published in 2023, this report reflects on the strategic work with children and young people in education, culture and the arts, funded by Arts Council England through ten Bridge organisations across England from 2012-2023. It considers the value of brokerage in facilitating arts and cultural engagement in schools.

ImagineNation: The Value of Cultural Learning

Published by CLA in 2017, ImagineNation includes key statistics, facts, quotes and evidence of value to those making the case for arts education across the learning and cultural worlds. From autumn 2023 CLA has a new Evidence Working Group advising on, overseeing and developing evidence gathering and analysis – on the value of an arts-rich education for every child and young person – with a particular focus on social impact. It will also be overseeing the creation of an accessible evidence-based value narrative. The Group will be considering a range of research approaches and new, updated evidence is likely to be available before the end of 2024.


Occasionally we like to draw your attention to other reports which are relevant for arts education or cultural learning case-making.

  • Time to Listen (2018) a report by the RSC, Tate and Nottingham University presenting the views of young people on the role of the arts in their lives and education
  • King’s College London’s Culture Case which profiles new research as it is released
  • The Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre
  • The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Taking Part statistical releases that document the level of arts engagement by children and young people each year. (Taking Part data has been gathered since 2005 but was interrupted by Covid and has not been resumed.)